Sunday, September 13, 2009

First Win! Against Newton Wolverines

Robbie's 2 point Conversion.
Robbie #13 with Cousin Lawson # 89.
Robbie's fans: The Gragg's left- Rodney, Amy & Barrett, Steve, Mackey, Mom & Dad (back) with Carter, Freda and Myra Grace. Tony is in the back right with the red hat.
Robbie far left as wide receiver.

On September 12, 2009 at 11:30 am West Lincoln beat the Newton Wolverines 22-6. West Lincoln lead the entire game and the Wolverines did not score until the 4th quarter when we put in our second string. It was nice to have a win under our belt. Robbie played very well. He played most of the game. He played running back and wide receiver. He had made several 5 yard runs for the Rebels, several good tackles and also scored a 2 point conversion. It was also nice to have his entire family there to see him (all except for Abby - Missed you!) From Tony's side of the family there was Freda, Mackey, Amy & Rodney with the boys. From my side of the family was Gary, Wanda, Steve and his kids. Myra Grace looked for Robbie on the field as she said, "Robbie has a one and a three."

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