Sunday, September 20, 2009

Game Against Gastonia Huskies

Saturday September 19, 2009 at 4:45pm West Lincoln Optimist was defeated by Gastonia Huskies at Hunter Huss High School. The Huskies were an intimidating team when looking at their size. They had some pretty big boys on the team. The Rebels gave it a good try but lost 18-2. The team played well and moved the ball down the field much better than the last time we were at Hunter Huss HS for a scrimmage. Robbie played well. He played the entire game except the last 2 minutes of the game and the kick off returns. Each game we see more improvements in Robbie and his confidence level. This week he ran the ball several times. Most of those runs, he gained at least 5 yards running through the line. He did have one run on the outside that gave them close to 10 yards. Other proud moments were his two quarter back sacks and the safety which earned the team the only 2 points of the game. We were also glad to have all of Robbie's grandparents there to support him at the game. Especially Freda & Mackey after a long day of selling apples at the Apple Festival.

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