Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tackling begins at Football Practice

Last night was the first night of tackling at football practice. Robbie was excited since he had been told he would have to wait for more conditioning to participate in tackling. Apparently the ruling is you must practice for 10 hrs of condition before you can tackle. But Robbie had been told he had to have 10 practices in before he could tackle. However the team practices are for 2 hrs at a time so that meant he only needed 5 practices. Robbie has missed 4 because we were at the beach so he was able to start with the rest of the team at practice last night which made him very happy! He now has all of his pads, helmet, pants and jerseys so is ready for the games to begin. I've been told the first game is Sept 4th but we don't know who we play or where so as soon as I get the schedule I'll post it.

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