Sunday, October 25, 2009

WLO Beats Bessemer City

The Scoreboard - 32-0

Robbie's touchdown - Picture 3
Robbie's touchdown - Picture 2

Robbie's touchdown - Picture 1

Today, October 25th was the make up game from yesterday. The game was postponed on Friday afternoon due to the threat of rain all day Saturday, however it never rained and was beautiful. So Sunday afternoon at 3:15pm WLO played Bessemer City and won 32-0. WLO played great. Robbie was able to score another touchdown and a 2 point conversion during the game. We were once again very proud of Robbie. Today was Robbie first time wearing his contacts in a game. Obviously they didn't bother him a bit and allowed him to see so much better. We were excited that friends of the family, Wayne & Jane Lowe came with Grandma & Grandpa to watch Robbie play and even score! Also Freda and all the Graggs there to watch too. We are really enjoying all the time together while having such fun! Next week will be the first round of play-offs. I'll let you know the time and place as soon as we know.

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